In a scheme dubbed ‘Work Abroad,’ the government has declared its goal to make it easier for Ghanaians seeking work in the Gulf region. It hopes that by doing so, it will be able to reduce the mistreatment of Ghanaians who migrate to the country in pursuit of greener pastures.
Bright Wereko Brobbey, Deputy Minister for Employment and Labor Relations, said the initiative, which is an initiative of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), would aim to regularize migration opportunities and prevent labor force abuse in Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, among others, in a keynote address at the 2021 bi-annual meeting of the Migration Coordination Platform (MCP) organized by the International Organization on Migration (IOM).
“The Youth Employment Agency (YEA), has established a Work Abroad Programme aimed at facilitating the recruitment of Ghanaian labor to work in other countries in a safe, secure and orderly manner. I believe the more we are able to promote regular migration opportunities, potential migrants are less likely ‘travel through unapproved routes,”
Bright Wereko Brobbey, Deputy Minister for Employment and Labour Relations
Mr. Brobbey stated that the ministry has prioritized the development of bilateral labor agreements between Ghana and destination countries to promote regular migration and minimize exploitation and insecurity among migrant workers.
“Currently, work is completed on Bilateral Labor Agreement with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Work is also far advanced on those with Seychelles and Kuwait. The bilateral agreements are important instruments that enable Ghana to agree with destination countries on the terms and conditions for the recruitment and engagement of Ghanaian labor in respective countries.”
He expressed optimism that this is one of the surest ways to guarantee and protect the rights of Ghanaian labor in other countries. “We believe the labor migration governance system would be enhanced if these measures are implemented in the short to medium term.”
Meanwhile, Vera Ntiamoah, a representative from YEA, noted that the Work Abroad plan is presently in the execution stage and that YEA is in negotiations with the Foreign Affairs Ministry and other stakeholders to make sure policies and standards are in place before the program begins to ensure efficiency.
Migration Coordination Platform (MCP) bi-annual Conference
In Accra, the Migration Coordination Platform (MCP) bi-annual gathering brings together agencies and partners to report on accomplishments made in areas such as migration mapping tools and migration stakeholder directory. International Development Partners (IDPs) and multilateral organizations in Ghana launched the Migration Coordination Platform (MCP) recently to better coordinate migration-related actions across members.
The meeting was attended by nearly 30 foreign DPs, multilateral agencies, and GoG Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, including the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, and the National Development Planning Commission, among others. International DPs, Embassies, and United Nations Embassies were also in attendance.
The Government of Ghana (GoG) received an overview of the MCP, including its history, mission, composition, governance, and meeting frequency, as well as an outline of GoG priorities in the area of migration, at the bi-annual meeting.
Stakeholders in the bi-annual meeting explored how to improve the effectiveness of migration program implementation in Ghana, including funding for migration actions, human resources, and operational issues.
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