The Crops Research Institute (CRI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has unveiled its intentions to carry out further studies into snake tomato plant in cultivation in Ghana. It therefore, appealed to the government and other private organisations for support to carry out the research.
According to Dr. Michael Kwabena Osei, a Senior Research Scientist and a Vegetable Breeder at the CRI, after a field inspection of the trial plot at Kwadaso near Kumasi, there is the need for agencies and the government to support research into the plant.
Dr. Michael Kwabena Osei explained that Ghana could consume the vegetable as a substitute for the traditional tomato, adding that it has almost the same constituents as tomato.
“If we should wake up one day and find out that the tomatoes in the country are not able to survive, and we do not have other substitutes, it is going to be a problem. That is why as a Research Institute, we go ahead and research and diversify the crops we research on.”
Dr. Michael Kwabena Osei
The Research Scientist noted that in the last two years, the Institute obtained one line from Amanchia in the Ashanti Region to commence the study. He added that it later sought 30 different lines from the World Vegetable Center and now characterizing them to see which ones could be evaluated, going forward.
Required Not Much Attention
This crop, According to Dr. Osei, do not require too much attention as given to tomato, however it took up to four weeks to get matured (from planting to maturity), thrived under sunshine and required little water to produce more. He noted that other characteristics are that it can either be harvested in the green stage or ripened stage.
“In terms of the nutritional and medicinal values, the snake tomato is low in calories, high fiber content, contains vitamins A, B and C, laxative properties, lower blood cholesterol, aid digestion as well as treating constipation.”
Dr. Michael Kwabena Osei

Dr. Osei indicated that in countries like Nigeria, it is mostly used in preparing stews and soups, whereas in Ghana here, the underutilized crop is being patronized by foreigners on the open markets at higher prices.
Dr. Osei, thus, submitted that when the needed funding is made available, it would enable the CSIR-CRI to extend the research to the different agro-ecological zones to determine how the crop performs in other parts of the country.
“Currently, studies are underway to assess poisonous substances, check biochemical, brix, and other fruit qualities. The results will inform research scientists during release and make the necessary data available to plant growers.”
Dr. Michael Kwabena Osei
The snake tomato plant (Trichosanthes cucumerina) is a gourd vegetable that grows in tropical regions, and it is used for culinary and medicinal purposes.
It is a member of the cucumber family and is called by many names in different parts of the world. The snake tomato is packed with phytonutrients.
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