The African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced the appointment of Eyerusalem Fasika, as the Country Manager for Ghana.
Eyerusalem Fasika, an Ethiopian national, joined the African Development Bank in 2009. She is currently Country Program Officer and Acting Country Manager for the Malawi Country Office.
Eyerusalem brings to this role broad-based experience in-country strategy, program and portfolio management and review, results-based management, quality assurance, public finance, capacity building, country dialogue, and partnership and aid coordination.
Since joining the Bank, she has served as Principal Country Program Officer, Malawi Country Office (2009-2013 & 2018 to date), and in a similar capacity for the Zimbabwe Country Office (2013-2018).
Before joining the AfDB, Eyerusalem worked at the World Bank in Ethiopia as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (2004-2009), Research Analyst (1996- 2002). At the World Bank, Eyerusalem focused on monitoring and evaluation, project supervision, portfolio review, public finance, country dialogue, and aid coordination. While in Ethiopia, she also provided cross-country support to Sudan in project management.
Eyerusalem holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, with a focus on International Finance and Development, from New York University (2004), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from South-eastern University, USA (1993).
The AfDB also appointed country managers for the Central African Republic, Madagascar, Mali, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Uganda.
Country Manager designated for the Central African Republic
Mr. Mamady Souare is the Country Manager designated for the Central African Republic. He is an Ivorian national, joined the AfDB in 2004, as a senior transport engineer. He currently serves as Manager for the Regional Integration Operations Division within the Regional Development and Regional Integration Department of the AfDB.
Adam Amoumoun is appointed as the new country manager for Madagascar. He is a citizen of Niger, joined the AfDB in 2008 as a Senior Specialist in acquisitions in the Governance and Economic Reform Department. He was subsequently appointed Principal Governance Officer within the same Department before becoming Principal Program Officer at the Country Office in Togo.
Country Manager designated for Mali
The Country Manager designated for Mali is Mr.Adalbert Nshimyumuremyi, a Rwandese national who joined the AfDB in 2003. He currently serves as Chief Country Economist in charge of Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.
Country Manager designated for Sierra Leone
Ms. Halima Yussuf Hashi, a Tanzanian national is the country manager designated for Sierra Leone. She joined the AfDB in 2005 as a Social Development Specialist at the Tanzania Country Office. She currently serves as Principal Country Program Officer, Uganda Country Office.
Halima is a well-rounded development expert who brings to the role 20 years of experience, working with international development institutions. She has held various positions in the Bank, including Country Program Officer responsible for Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea; Principal Country Program Officer, Ethiopia Country Office; and Principal Country Program Officer, Rwanda Country Office.
Country Manager designated for Togo
The Country Manager designated for Togo is Wilfrid Abiola, a French national, who joined the AfDB in 1998. He is currently Chief Governance Officer in the Governance & Public Financial Management Coordination Office. Wilfrid brings to this role extensive experience in policy dialogue, project management, portfolio management and review, management of studies and program evaluations, capacity building, results-based management, and partnership coordination.
Country Manager designated for Uganda
Mr. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is the Country Manager designated for Uganda. He is an economist, accountant, and diplomat, Augustine, a Liberian national, brings to the Bank many years of experience in public sector management with leadership roles in the banking sector and the Liberian Government.
He recently served as Member of the Board of Directors of Ecobank Liberia Limited, and Interim Head of the Project Complaint Mechanism at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).