Patrick Ackah, an executive member of the new indigenous Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) Association has intimated that their withdrawal from the AOMC is due to unfair treatment.
Speaking in an interview, he stated that another reason for their separation is also due to weakness exhibited by the AOMC in the downstream sector.
“Our general reason for pulling away from the current Association stems from the weakness the current Association has exhibited in the last number of years when it comes to OMC business and operations.
“The membership feel that they are not properly represented. In the Ghanaian downstream industry, is it not the Ghanaian interest that is paramount? So, they feel like they having or representing a larger section of employment opportunities for the Ghanaian Population, when it comes to decision making, they must also have a say.”
Patrick Ackah
His clarification comes on the back of the withdrawal of some oil marketing companies from;the main Association of Oil Marketing Companies in Ghana (AOMC) in the downstream sector.
Some OMCs have issues
He further revealed that there were issues with regards to policy making,;structures, fuel prices and amongst others which some OMCs are not happy about. He added that these issues have been presented to the AOMCs but it didn’t yield results.
“With that number of years, should they not have more to show for their number of activities. Times have changed and reputation is paramount in key decision making and also everybody understands the power of their voice. Everybody understands the power of how much they give the running of Ghana.”
Patrick Ackah
Mr. Ackah also posited that with pricing, the head bodies [NPA, Energy Ministry] do not say much for the OMCs.
“A lot of decisions are rolled out and you will just hear on the radio that fuel prices have gone up. You don’t really understand it and all this can be solved if they actually listen to the problems and the struggles of the OMCs.”
Patrick Ackah
He clarified that the new Association is not fighting the AOMC but is just ensuring that;and also representing its members so that their interest is considered during any plan roll out by regulatory authorities.
Adding his voice to the conversation,;Elias Banson, an executive member of the Association also revealed that the indigenous OMCs in the upstream sector who operate with;the foreign companies get more incentives and have more stations despite the fact that they pay the same taxes.
“We are not trying to collapse the AOMC,;I think we also have something to give them like the policies and reforms that we also have to give.”
Elias Banson
New association, to help tax collection
Mr. Banson said the Association exists to help government get existing taxes from some OMCs who have been unable to make payments.
“There are a few bad nuts who just come into the system to’ grab a quick bag’ and leave. We have OMCs who have genuine issues and as such are unable to pay taxes.
“There are some OMCs who supplied to some companies during the COVID;and could not get their monies back and are such they are unable to get money. We are in consultation with some financial institutions;to bring about a payment structure to enable the owing OMCs pay their debt.”
Patrick Ackah