In the aftermath of the devastating fire that engulfed the Kantamanto Market, President John Mahama convened a meeting with the affected traders to express his solidarity and outline the government’s commitment to addressing their plight.
The President emphasized the importance of Kantamanto as a crucial trading hub and reassured the victims of the government’s readiness to provide assistance.
President Mahama began by acknowledging the widespread shock and sadness that followed the news of the Kantamanto fire, especially as it coincided with the country’s festive inauguration period. He expressed his empathy for the traders who had suffered significant losses in capital and goods. He noted;
“I think Kantamanto is a household name here in Ghana. There’s no person in Ghana who hasn’t heard of Kantamanto Market. So it’s a very important hub for trading in Ghana.’’
H.E John Dramani Mahama President of the Republic of Ghana
He also mentioned that the incident had prompted immediate action, including the earlier visit by Nana Jane Opoku Agyemang, the Vice President to convey the government’s concern.
Addressing the necessity to prevent future occurrences, President Mahama outlined several immediate steps the government was taking to enhance market security.
“One of the first things we need to do is to prevent these fire outbreaks from happening,” he emphasized.
He pointed out past incidents, such as the 2013 market fires, after he won that year. He added;
“In many cases, the investigation showed that people deliberately set fire in order to just cause chaos and confusion.’’
H.E John Dramani Mahama President of the Republic of Ghana
To counteract such risks, President Mahama proposed increased nighttime patrols and the strategic placement of fire tenders near markets to ensure rapid response in case of fire outbreaks.
Enhancing Market Surveillance
In addition to physical security, the President stressed the importance of technological interventions to monitor market activities.
He proposed the installation of CCTV cameras at strategic points to capture any suspicious activities.
“We are asking the National Fire Service to deploy their fire tenders close to the markets in the night so that in the event of a fire outbreak, they are right there on the scene to be able to quench it before it causes any damage.’’
H.E John Dramani Mahama President of the Republic of Ghana
This measure, coupled with CCTV surveillance, would serve as a deterrent to potential arsonists and provide valuable evidence in case of future incidents.
Government Assistance and Reconstruction Plans
President Mahama invited the traders to discuss how the government could assist in alleviating their hardships. He added;
“Government is determined that nobody should be displaced because of this fire. And so everybody should be able to get back what place he had in the market.’’
H.E John Dramani Mahama President of the Republic of Ghana
He encouraged the market leaders to collaborate with the government in designing a reconstruction plan that would result in a more robust and safer market environment. He questioned;
“Now that the market is burned down, I know you might be thinking of reconstructing it. How would you reconstruct it so that it is a better market than what it was before?”
H.E John Dramani Mahama President of the Republic of Ghana
The meeting concluded with a call for a collaborative approach to rebuilding Kantamanto Market.
President Mahama emphasized that the adversity presented an opportunity to improve the market infrastructure and ensure a safer trading environment.
President Mahama’s remarks reflected a comprehensive approach to dealing with the aftermath of the fire, balancing immediate relief efforts with long-term reconstruction strategies.
The government’s commitment to preventing future incidents and supporting the affected traders underlined its dedication to preserving Kantamanto Market’s pivotal role in Ghana’s economy.
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