The University of Education, Winneba (UEW) UTAG-Chapter, has expressed mistrust in government appointees selected to resolve the ongoing UTAG impasse, resulting in their refusal to call off the strike.
The Vice President of the UEW, UTAG-Chapter, Dr. Pascal Kpodo, intimated that the union does not have any trust in the promise that when it suspends the strike, government is going to stick to its promise and engage in the negotiations to resolve the matter.
“It is on the basis of that high level of mistrust for the government officials and its appointees, that is why we voted that way. If you look at the whole picture, you will see that we are giving government the chance to go and engage the negotiation team.”
Dr. Pascal Kpodo
Dr. Kpodo averred that the rejection of the decision to return to the classroom by UEW, is also because UTAG still doubts if government will improve its conditions if the strike is called off.
“It’s a simple base that, the National Executive Committee wants to give government the benefit of doubt. Government is saying we can only sit down and negotiate after we suspend the strike. Majority of us do not believe government.”
Dr. Pascal Kpodo

Commenting on whether the strike would be nullified or not, Dr. Kpodo stated that it will depend on the majority votes of the other University UTAG unions. According to him, if those who are rejecting the decision to suspend the strike are in the majority, then that decision will be nullified.
“If it turns out however, that we have more people accepting the decision than rejecting the decision, then the change stands to be accepted.”
Dr. Pascal Kpodo
Dr. Kpodo clarified that NEC’s decision to suspend the strike action has nothing to do with the court order for UTAG to suspend the strike. He noted that as far as the court order is concerned, UTAG filed a motion to set the order aside.
“That was withdrawn because before the time to proceed came, NEC had already taken the decision to suspend the strike. That is why it was withdrawn.”
Dr. Pascal Kpodo

UEW- UTAG refuse to call off strike
Dr. Kpodo’s assertion followed the decision of the UEW-UTAG to not call off its strike until government addresses the concerns of its members.
Dr. Kpodo stated that they are waiting for the other UTAG chapters to submit their resolution to the National Executive Council (NEC) regarding the suspension of the strike action. According to him, the UEW has taken a vote to reject the decision and is sending its resolution to the National Executive Committee.
“We expect all the other 14 campuses to do same and send their resolutions to the National Executive Committee.”
Dr. Pascal Kpodo
Dr. Kpodo was however, unable to tell when lectures would begin for UEW students as students are currently off campus.
The National Executive Committee of the teacher union on February 22, 2022 announced the suspension of the strike until March 4, 2022 as it continues negotiations with government.
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