President Akufo-Addo has assured Ghanaians of government’s commitment to resolving successfully the difficulties confronting the nation.
Speaking at the 18th Consultative Council Meeting of the Anglican Church, President Akufo-Addo indicated that he was aware that these are difficult times for Ghana, just as they are for most people in the world. However, with the help of “Almighty God, and backed by a sense of determination, hard work and collective sacrifices on our part”, he indicated that government will ensure the revitalization of the economy.
“I am confident that we will successfully confront the difficulties, bring relief to the Ghanaian people, and return the economy back to the high rates of growth that characterized the management of our economy in the three (3) years preceding the COVID outbreak in 2020 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”
President Akufo-Addo
Government, according to the President, “is implementing a number of policy measures to this end, and, sooner rather than later, we shall overcome”.
Anglican Consultative Council
Addressing the financial sustainability strategy of the Anglican Church in Ghana, which seeks to move the Church to a position of self-reliance, President Akfuo-Addo applauded the decision by the Church to establish an insurance brokerage.
“I also wish to congratulate the Bishop, Rt Rev Dr Daniel Torto and entire membership of my Diocese, the Diocese of Accra, for its substantial investment in the area of agriculture, through the cultivation of its one thousand (1,000) acre rubber plantation, the largest, private-owned rubber plantation in the country.”
President Akufo-Addo
The President explained that these and other projects, being embarked on by various Dioceses, are contributing positively towards Ghana’s economic growth and the creation of jobs in various communities. He expressed government’s commitment to stand “ready to partner and support the various initiatives of the Church, especially those in line with the directive principles of state policy”, to help develop a progressive and prosperous Ghana.
Welcoming the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, Rt. Hon. Justin Portal Welby, and the Anglican Consultative Council, to Ghana, the President revealed to the gathering that the Anglican Church has been a good example of what it means to love one another and give cheerfully to those in need. He stated that the Church continues to play a significant role in the growth and development of the nation.
“All Anglicans are extremely indebted to the Primate and Metropolitan Archbishop and his team for the dynamism that we are experiencing in the Anglican Communion in Ghana presently. I have been involved, as well as following up with activities, of which I am proud as an Anglican.”
President Akufo-Addo
President Akufo-Addo in times past, stated that the Ghanaian economy is in “a difficult place” and that government was taking requisite measures to put the country back on the path of growth and development.
In March last year, he indicated that the road to recovery will be hard and long, but government has started on a good footing by accepting that “we are in a difficult place and are taking the difficult decisions” that will get the country out of the economic quagmire.
The President stated that the economic downturn occasioned by the devastation of the COVID-19 was not limited to Ghana but had worsened the economic outlook of economies around the world.
Prior to the pandemic, he highlighted that Ghana’s economic performance between 2017 and the beginning of 2020 demonstrated that the country was making rapid progress.
President Akufo-Addo stated that pandemic was not something that anyone could have planned for, and as a result, many a country, including Ghana, had been knocked off their planned trajectory, accruing huge deficits that have underwritten social cohesion.
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