A new report by Africa People Advisory Group (APAG) that tracks various trends in human resources across the African continent, with a specific focus on new ways of working, has observed that Africa is starting to experience a version of the “Great Resignation”.
The results of the study, which will be launched later this month, revealed that 52% of participants observed an increase in resignations in their organizations this year.
APAG highlighted six trends that are unpacked and detailed in the report including the imminent “Great Resignation”.
Traditional staffing and organization structures are under pressure
One of the big shifts noted in this year’s study is the movement in the level of intention to change organizational structures, and to embark upon job redesign. Last year, it was reported that there was limited intent to redesign jobs and organizational structures to capitalize on the impact of technology and the 4IR. However, this year’s study reported a 17% increase in such intensions.
“The lack of focus on the redesign of organizational structures came as a surprise in last year’s study. It is encouraging to see that organizations are focused on ensuring structure and role content supports a technology-driven business world.”
Says Janene Schwartz, APAG managing partner
Remote and hybrid working models drive productivity gains
APAG noted in a statement that if one was to ask any human resource professional what one of the top buzzwords in HR circles is now, “hybrid working” is likely to feature very high on the list. Hybrid working has gained popularity as the post-pandemic era starts to emerge.
Although hybrid working has become more popular recently, APAG noted that many organizations in the survey still allow for and encourage remote working.
Covid-19 has given organizations an opportunity to relook at the effectiveness of their performance management practice, and in many cases, it would seem that the practice has fallen short of expectations. The study has uncovered so much change in the performance management practices of most organizations.
The post-pandemic workplace is highly people-centric
It has become apparent that a more people-centric work culture is developing. This is driven not only by changes from an organizational perspective but also in some form by demand from employees, APAG noted. Employees vote with their feet, and progressive organizations are working hard on focusing on building a constructive employee experience.
Africa People Advisory Group stated that the role of human resources has been elevated in a significant way over the last two years. The function has been expected to deal efficiently with the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Not only has HR had to deal with day-to-day matters, but they have had to deal with remote working, cost pressures, employee wellness, and supporting the business in keeping levels of employee engagement as high as possible.
Nicol Mullins, APAG managing partner said “ultimately the report shows us that there is a very clear shift towards business cultures that are truly people-centric. We are interested to watch how this larger trend progresses in the coming years”.
This year, the study has attracted an increased number of participants following the inaugural study in 2021. Deon de Swardt, APAG managing partner, underscored that with 188 participants across 21 countries covering 20 industries, “it is evident that this report is valued across the continent as it continues to grow in popularity”.