Protests erupted in Kenosha, in the U.S state of Wisconsin, after police shot an apparently unarmed black man multiple times according to the state governor.
The man, identified by the state governor as Jacob Blake, was flown by helicopter to a hospital after being shot repeatedly in the back in the city of Kenosha and is reportedly in serious condition.
The incident is likely to add to continuing outrage and protests in the United States and abroad against police brutality and racism since the death on George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.
Footage circulating on social media showed the incident with Mr Blake, who does not appear to be carrying a weapon, walking towards a car as two officers followed him with their guns drawn.
As Mr Blake opens the car door, one of the officers can be seen grabbing his vest and shooting him in the back. Seven shots can be heard followed by the car’s horn continuously beeping.
Soon afterwards, multiple fires were set at the scene by a crowd that gathered to protest against the incident. Social media posts showed crowds marching down streets of Kenosha, a city of around 100,000 people on Lake Michigan about 65 miles (100 km) north of Chicago, and throwing Molotov cocktails and bricks at police officers.

Civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump, who represents George Floyd’s family, disclosed that Mr Blake’s family had reached out to him for assistance.
In a tweet, he revealed that Mr Blake’s three sons were in the car he was getting into when he was shot.
“They saw a cop shoot their father. They will be traumatized forever. We cannot let officers violate their duty to PROTECT us,” he wrote.
He added that the shooting happened after Mr Blake tried to break up a fight. Witnesses corroborated his account adding that Mr Blake was trying to break up a fight between two women when the officers arrived.
The officers involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave, the Wisconsin Department of Justice said early on Monday. The state’s Division of Criminal Investigation said it would aim to issue a report to prosecutors within 30 days.
Governor Evers, in a tweet, said Blake had been “shot in the back multiple times in broad daylight”, adding: “We stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites.”
“We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity and accountability for Black lives in our country,” Evers said, mentioning Floyd and other victims of brutal law enforcement.
A large rubbish truck parked on the road to prevent demonstrators marching towards the police station was set on fire by some protestors as others were kicking police cars and smashing their windows.
Kenosha’s protests are the latest in a series of ongoing demonstrations against police brutality and racism since 25 May when George Floyd died after a white police officer knelt on his neck.