The WTO has issued a call for young economists to submit papers for the 2021 WTO Essay Award. This competition aims to promote high-quality research on trade policy and international trade cooperation. It will also reinforce the relationship between the WTO and the academic community.
However, the WTO states that the paper must address issues related to trade policy and international trade cooperation. According to the WTO, the author(s) of the paper must possess or near the completion of a Ph.D. degree. Also, if over 30 years of age, be no more than two years past a Ph.D. defense. In the case of co-authored papers, this requirement shall apply to all authors. Besides, the essays must not exceed 15,000 words.
The deadline for the submission of the Essays is June 7, 2021. The Economic Research and Statistics Division of the WTO Secretariat will shortlist eligible papers by June 17, 2021. After that, the selection panel will make a final decision on July 7, 2021. Meanwhile, the WTO indicates that it will only contact the author(s) of short-listed essays.
As such, the WTO urges participants to send their essays through [email protected]. It highlights that the Submissions should include as separate attachments in PDF format: the essay and the CV of the author(s). On the CV, the authors must specify their current affiliation(s), and the academic institution awarding the Ph.D. They must also indicate the year (or the expected year) of the Ph.D., and their date of birth.
Furthermore, the WTO notes that an Academic Selection Panel is responsible for the selection of the winning paper. The panel comprises Professor Beata Javorcik (University of Oxford), Professor Robert Staiger (Dartmouth College), and Professor Alberto Trejos (INCAE Business School).
Also, Dr. Robert Koopman, Director, Economic Research and Statistics Division at the WTO Secretariat is an ex officio member of the panel. Dr. Roberta Piermartini, the Chief, Trade Cost Analysis Section at the WTO coordinates the work of the panel.
Cash Prize
Moreover, the annual WTO Essay Award provides a prize of CHF 5,000 to the author(s) of the winning essay. Nevertheless, the WTO states that it will divide equally the prize among the authors in the case of a co-authored paper. Meanwhile, the WTO will announce the winning paper at the annual meeting of the European Trade Study Group. This is the largest conference specializing in international trade. The award ceremony will take place between September 9-11, 2021 in Ghent (Belgium). The winning author will receive funding to attend the meeting.
The essay award, now in its 13th year, has developed into a prized achievement for young trade economists. This is because it brings to light novel evidence important for evaluating trade flows and policies.
Xiang Ding, the 2020 award winner from Harvard University said “It’s an honor to be selected for this award”. He expressed his gratitude to the WTO for recognizing his research. Also, Xiang Ding was particularly elated, “especially at a time when our interests and trade policies are shifting towards the digital economy”.
He is currently Assistant Professor at Georgetown University. Xiang Ding’s paper provides novel and quantitatively important evidence on cross-industry linkages. It provides evidence on joint production arising from industries sharing knowledge inputs. These inputs include research and development, information technology, and other professional services.
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