Private legal practitioner, Mr. Kwame Jantuah,has called on COP George Akuffo Dampare to develop a plan aimed at transforming the image of the Police Service.
He stated that the plan must bring discipline among the rank and file of personnel and to build public confidence in the Service.
“COP Dampare has to share this plan with his charges and also have town hall meetings with Ghanaians. His job is to enforce the law and I expect him to do so. He has time on his side.
“He should lay certain principles in place so that the next IGPs who will follow; there will be a roadmap. Also, he should take action against his men who maltreat civilians. Politicians should not use the power they have to diminish his responsibilities.”
Kwame Jantuah
He further asked the acting IGP not to be scared of politicians as he takes up his new office.
“He should not be scared of politicians. We should see him interacting more with the President, Parliament and sister security agencies. We must see him working because the security of this nation lies in his bosom.”
Kwame Jantuah

Don’t allow political interference
Mr. Kwame Jantuah also advised the acting Inspector General of Police (IGP), George Akuffo Dampare, to be steadfast and not to allow political interference with his work.
also admonished him to take charge of internal security and not allow politicians to use the army to meddle in police duties.
“If they need their support, it should come from him. You go to other countries and the Police Services are independent and I expect that from him.”
Kwame Jantuah
Engage public on role of Police
Commenting on the appointment, Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko, acting Executive Director, Danquah Institute said the acting IGP must engage the public more on the role of the police to build a good rapport between the service and the communities.
“COP Dampare must ensure that there is more public awareness and education on the role of the police to reduce the level of brutalities. We all need to understand the role of the police. He would have to make a conscious and consistent effort to ensure that public education becomes a key aspect.”
Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko

Also adding to the conversation, Mr. Osei Bonsu Amoah, Deputy Minister of local government, decentralization and rural development said COP Dampare has to justify his appointment despite his popularity.
“There is a lot he needs to do internally to get the full support of his people. Beyond that there is also an external factor concerning human rights of civilians and how they are handled at the police stations. Those are things that he, having been the head of the police, should have a programme to school the service as to what they are expected to do under the constitution.”
OB Amoah
COP George Dampare, after his appointment by the President will take over from James Oppong-Boanuh as head of the Ghana Police Service from August. Also