Alan Kyerematen, the founder of Movement for Change and an independent presidential hopeful for the 2024 general elections, has called for a leader who embodies Christ-like qualities to lead Ghana forward. He made this call during a speech at the Dr Watt Assembly of the Pentecost Church on Resurrection Sunday, emphasizing the importance of electing a Christian leader who embodies Christ-like qualities to steer the nation toward transformation.
Addressing the congregation, Mr. Kyeremanten emphasized the importance of electing a Christian leader, who embodies Christ-like qualities, to steer the nation toward transformation.
“After 67 years of independence as a country, we are still unable to provide the necessities of life for the majority of our people. As a Christian nation, boosting about the fact that we have over 70% Christians in this country. We have a responsibility to make a decision this December as we go into the elections, to bring into being the kind of leadership that will restore hope to the majority of our people.”
Alan Kyerematen, founder of Movement for Change
Commending the Church of Pentecost for its significant contribution to Ghana as the largest church in the country, Mr. Kyerematen rallied the faithful, urging them to utilize their collective influence to determine the nation’s next leader.
Stressing that leadership transcends party affiliations, he positioned himself as a transformative candidate, promising a leadership reminiscent of Christ’s assurance to sinners of paradise. Mr. Kyerematen stated, “In all humility, I want to present to you as one of the people who will be contesting to lead this country.”
Drawing from biblical prophecy, particularly Ezekiel’s vision of God establishing His kingdom on earth, Mr Kyerematen invoked divine guidance in the electoral process. He implored the faithful to pray for a leader after God’s own heart, emphasizing the need for integrity, honesty, and servant leadership.
Movement for Change
The Movement for Change, led by Mr. Kyeremaen aims to move Ghana beyond the duopoly of the two main political parties, the NPP and NDC. This initiative seeks to end divisive partisanship in governance and the “winner takes all” political syndrome.
It also advocates for reforms in the internal democratic processes and procedures of all political parties, such as introducing ‘One Man One Vote’ (OMOV) to ensure inclusiveness and reduce the effect of monetization in politics. The principles underpinning national elections should be reflected in the electoral process of political parties in Ghana.
Another key policy is the promotion of a Government of National Unity, which would include people from all walks of life, regardless of their political, religious, and ethnic affiliations. This policy aims to foster effective and inclusive participatory governance, leading to the formation of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The goal is to ensure representation across various demographics, including the rich, the poor, the able-bodied, the physically challenged, the young, the old, women, and men.
“It is not about political parties; it is about the one who is after God’s own heart. We want a leader who has the vision to bring hope to the hopeless but we also want a leader who will be a servant leader, to serve the people and not to Lord over them. We want a compassionate leader. These were the characteristics of our Lord Jesus Christ who is today risen.”
Alan Kyerematen, founder of Movement for Change
The formation of the Movement for Change is also seen as a response to the need for political reforms in Ghana. The movement aims to address issues such as corruption, nepotism, and the need for greater transparency and accountability in governance. By proposing these reforms, the Movement for Change positions itself as a force for change within the existing political system, advocating for a more ethical and effective form of governance.
Movement for Change has also positioned itself through its engagement with the public. By focusing on issues that resonate with the public, such as youth employment and the need for a leader with Christ-like qualities, Movement for Change aims to build a strong base of support among the electorate. This engagement strategy is crucial for a new political movement in a country with a long history of political instability and corruption.