Political Scientist, Dr. Kwame Asah Asante, has described as unnecessary ministries with more than two deputy nominees.
Giving his general assessment of the deputy ministerial nominees list released by the Presidency, he said he disagrees with the notion that more hands are needed to aid the various ministers.
“I think it is unnecessary for a ministry to have more than two deputies. Because, if you look at every ministry it is headed by one person who does all that is required with his team and officers to perform. So, if you stretch that argument you are trying to say you need more chief directors to work because there are a number of challenges this time around.”
Dr. Asante
Dr. Asante indicated that what the nation needs are experienced and competent people to carry out mandates given to them. He said the mere numbers was nothing to go by.

Touching on gender balance in the nominations, he stated that he was looking forward to having more numbers is the area of women.
“If you look at this country even before independence, the contributions of women prior and post-independence have been amazing.”
He said looking at the Public sector, women have demonstrated that they have the political wherewithal to be able to hold any public office and deliver according to the needs of the people.
Number of female nominees has improved
He said the number of women in this period has gone up, compared to the first batch of Akufo-Addo’s administration. However, he said one would have expected that, there will be more numbers in terms of women representation in government.
“If you see the records women have left in public positions they have occupied in this country, they have been amazing. I would love to see a situation where one day a list of ministers will come out with women dominating.”
Dr. Asante
Dr Asante further said the number of ministers, as compared to the last administration has reduced.
“I believe that we have seen a reduction. From the backdrop that we started of with 126 ministers;and now the number has dwindled to 86.”
Dr. Asante
Dr Asante averred that it was his wish the number could be reduced further than the current one. He explained that having more people in government is not always the case that they will deliver.
“You need a small number of people who are competent enough and who are team players. You need people who have the political wherewithal in terms of integrity and loyalty to be able to support their substantive Ministers to deliver.
“So, to me the large number does not necessarily translate to me that we will achieve the results you and I want.”
Dr. Asante
Mr Asante posited that a reduced size in governance is ideal and will also help prevent waste in governance. He said he was expecting a ministerial body of not more than 40. This, he said, will enable government to reduce the budget with regards to payment of their salaries.