The Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG), the Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG), and the Teachers and Educational Workers Union of Trade Union Congress (TEWU-TUC) have collectively threatened to embark on industrial action if their demands are not met by June 21, 2024.
The three prominent university staff unions in a statement addressed to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC), demanded immediate rectification of disparities in the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance (VMA) and other related allowances with immediate effect.
“The above-named unions have been overlooked in the recent upward review of the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance, despite being a vital component of the University system.
“The Commission’s decision to grant the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance review to the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), while excluding SSA-UoG, FUSSAG and TEWU (TUC) members is a clear violation of the principles of fairness and natural justice in the administration of common allowance”.
The statement, while recounting the unions’ ardent advocates for the welfare and interests of its members, argued that it is unacceptable for the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to overlook their plight.
They argued that all senior and junior staff members within the university system should be treated equitably and receive fair allowances for their services.
Key Demands and Deadline
In a fervent call to action, the three unions highlighted three major issues that they require the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to address to avert its intended strike action.
Among the three main issues, the three unions’ urged the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to revisit its decision regarding the Vehicle and Maintenance Allowance review and include SSA-UoG, FUSSAG, and TEWU (TUC) members in the recent adjustments immediately.
Secondly, the three unions called for immediate, sincere, and pragmatic action to rectify the perceived injustice and uphold the principles of fairness, equity, and natural justice in the allocation of allowance schemes by the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission.
Lastly, the three unions demanded a fair and equitable Vehicle and Maintenance Allowance package that reflects the current situation for all senior members, senior staff, and junior staff members within the university system.
In a strong caution to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG), the Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG), and the Teachers and Educational Workers Union of Trade Union Congress (TEWU-TUC) indicated that they have set a strict deadline of June 21, 2024, for the FWSC to address its demands.
The three unions emphasized that failure on the part of the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to comply with its demands would result in the commencement of industrial action on June 21, 2024.

In addition, the three unions underscored that the Vehicle and Maintenance Allowance is a crucial allowance that aids in the maintenance of staff vehicles, which is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duties within the university system.
They added that the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance is instrumental in ensuring productivity and enhancing the general welfare of senior members, senior staff, and junior staff, highlighting how its strong advocacy for an upward review of the VMA has proven futile due to the refusal of the FWSC.
The leadership of the three unions, including George Ansong, National Chairman of SSA-UoG, King James Azortibah, General Secretary of TEWU (TUC), and Ken Puotiere Yelibo, National Chairman of FUSSAG concluded the statement by urging all members of the senior and junior staff within the university system to stand firm and support the unions’ cause.
They expressed confidence that their inclusion in the Vehicle and Maintenance Allowance adjustments will not only promote industrial harmony but also contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Ghana’s tertiary institutions, underscoring their commitment to fighting for the rights of their members until justice is served.
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