The deputy minister-designate for Energy, William Owuraku Aidoo, has suggested to the Energy Minister to focus on completing old projects.
Speaking during his vetting today, June 3, 2021, Mr. Aidoo stated that, this should be done instead of the ministry starting new projects in the sector in order to bring closure to unfinished projects.
“I do believe that my Minister will come to a closure soon. I ask my minister to put a hold in constructing new projects.
“Because what I realized over the time is that, we spread ourselves too low on the ground, that we bring in materials and the materials were woefully inadequate to cover all these areas. So, going forward, I will request humbly to my minister that we should hold on to getting new contracts and concentrate on completing the existing ones that are ongoing.”
William Aidoo
He said this in regards to the rural electrification program which has not reached its 100 percent coverage as planned.

Touching on how to get a 100% rural electricity coverage in the nation, he averred that the ministry is making efforts to resort to renewable energy.
“Always the last part is the most difficult. I do believe my minister, when he came to the august committee, alluded to the fact that we will resort to renewable energy for the most difficult part and this is where, I believe, we will be heading. From the stringing lines to the other communities.
“As we know, renewable energy is where every country is heading due to climate and cost. And Ghana we have been involved in there and I will help the nation with the knowledge I have in moving towards that direction.”
William Aidoo
‘Thank You’ project upcoming
In ensuring citizens on the Northern part of the country get connected with electricity, Mr. Aidoo stated that a ‘Thank You’ project worth 50 million is being put in place to ensure that areas in the Northern region which has not been covered under the rural electrification program gets coverage.
“There is a ‘Thank You’ project in the pipeline for about $50 million dollars which is earmarked for the Northern Regions alone. And when that is complete, I am sure it will go a long way in addressing the gap between the Northern part of Ghana and the southern part.
“It’s not only the northern part of Ghana that is not connected to the rural electrification program; In the southern communities that are also in the process of getting electricity at their end.”
William Aidoo
He further clarified that the PDS issue has nothing to do with the transmission challenges the nation is currently facing. He iterated that the issue has to do with challenges GRIDCo is currently facing.
“The problem as we all know is currently being fixed. GRIDCo had challenges, but as we know, they are working on it.”
William Aidoo
Touching on the movement of the Ameri plant, he stated that Ameri has always been in the plans to be relocated because there have been some problems with grids in that part of the country. He added that Ameri going to Kumasi “is going to stabilize their power supply.”