OccupyGhana has intimated that it is deeply dismayed and disappointed at what is becoming the regular, violent misbehavior of Members of Parliament.
Commenting on the latest violent misbehavior on December 20, 2021 on the floor of Parliament, the pressure group described the act by the MPs as one that is embarassing.
“MPs were aware, yet unconcerned, that the entire nation was watching on live National Television, when they engaged in despicable acts of trading insults and punches in a manner that can best be described as uncouth, dishonourable, un-Ghanaian and an absolute embarrassment to the nation”.
According to OccupyGhana, what the MPs appear to have forgotten is that, whenever coups had interrupted the nation’s democratic dispensations, it is Parliament that suffers the most among the democratic institutions.
“With that in mind, one would think that MPs would not conduct themselves in a manner that shows that they themselves are given to undemocratic conduct”.

The pressure group indicated that over and again and in less than 12 months, the 8th Parliament of the Fourth Republic has abandoned the pretexts of good and democratic behavior and is competing with itself for the designation as the worst group of MPs.
“A bunch of cheap, uncouth, violent and childish, playground-bullies) that Ghana has had the misfortune of electing, in her entire history of electing MPs”.
OccupyGhana posited that no Ghanaian, regardless of their political party affiliation should treat the misbehavior by the Members of Parliament lightly.
“That is why OccupyGhana believes that the usual ‘unqualified’ apology will not suffice. In fact, it will add insult to the injury caused by them to the good people of this country”.

Prosecute MPs
OccupyGhana noted that since the law is no respecter of persons, those MPs caught on camera engaging in violence should be made to face the law.
“We note that the police have already indicated by its public statement dated 21st December 2021, that it is powerless to intervene in this matter”.
The group stated that it disagrees that none of the immunities granted by the Constitution to MPs in articles 115 to 120, covers crimes committed anywhere, including the floor of Parliament.
“Specifically, the MP’s immunity in article 116 is specifically limited to ‘any matter or thing brought by him in or before Parliament by petition, bill, motion or otherwise’. There is no possible interpretation of this immunity that would cover the crimes we saw them commit on TV”.
The Pressure group stated that article 122 of the Constitution provides that acts that obstruct or impede Parliament or affront its dignity constitute contempt of Parliament and does not distinguish between MPs and non-MPs.
“With the acts of assault, battery and unlawful fights we watched on live TV constitute criminal acts, the people of Ghana should never be told that MPs can get away with crimes once they commit those crimes in Parliament”.
According to OccupyGhana, it doubts that this Parliament and its leadership will have the decency or courage to charge and punish any of these members for contempt under the Parliament Act, 1965 (Act 300). He appealed that those with prosecutorial powers must institute criminal prosecution.
“While we all may bear some blame for tolerating this level of despicably bad behavior from our elected officials, in giving them a pass whenever they misbehave and then apologize, this is when Ghanaians draw a line in the sand. Ghana deserves better. We need to restore confidence in Parliament by punishing every erring MP”.
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