Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah, member of the governing board of the National Peace Council (NPC), says the role of the media is absolutely essential in building the peace structure of our country.
Speaking in an interview, he said, the media is absolutely important and therefore expects the media to coperate with the electoral commission and the peace council and obey the constitution of the nation so that peace will prevail in the country in the upcoming elections.
“We expect that, all the reports that the media will make will be the right. The media will not tow any political party’s line and the media will be extremely objective so that people will be convinced and say that yes, what is being reported is the right one. And especially we expect that, the media house owners will also not tow any party’s line. We are not comfortable with some media house owners who in a way demonstrate that they are particularly for a party.”
In elaborating on why the peace council does not like the idea of a media house that openly declares support for one political party, Apostle Onyinah said, some of the things that are said on air are very disturbing and are bridges to violence.
He further admonished that, if it should be done, the media house must be very objective and say what is right.

Speaking on threats to peace in the country through vigilantism, he said, he expects that journalists will do their work with professionalism, to point out issues and make sure that issues that will come out are issues that are very clear and convincing.
“Once the media houses are able to do this they will reduce tension because people become comfortable and can say that this is right journalism and they have been able to come out clearly with issues that are going on. When people are convinced and become satisfied, violence tones down.”
Speaking on how supportive the media had been in building sustainable peace in Ghana, he said some of them have done very well because, they speak about issues that come out and some of them are very bold to confront issues even in dealing with the government or the opposition.
“They have come out clearly doing undercover, reporting and things of that nature. So, I think that the media generally, they have been very supportive and they have contributed to the peaceful nature of our 4th republic when it comes to election issues.”
Touching on conflict resolution at the national level, he said the media has a very important role to play.
“Once the media reports the wrong thing it becomes extremely difficult to deal with the issue. And once you report it and people get it, it becomes difficult to go back to take what you’ve said already. So, I think the media should take time when it comes to conflict resolution and not rush to report issues.
“Sometimes that is the mistake of some journalists. They quickly go for the news without real investigation and come out with issues that bring conflict or worsen the situation. We will appeal to media houses that, when it comes to such things, they should take time, they should investigate and once they are very convinced and know the truth, then they should come out with the truth.”
He further commended the media for doing well with reportage and said he looks forward to their work during the election for peace to prevail.