An advocacy group called the Concern Citizens of Atewa Landscape is blaming the Forestry Commission for what it describes as the ongoing destruction of the Atewa Forest Reserve in the Eastern Region.
According to them, the Forestry Commission has over the years neglected the Atewa Forest, with massive illegal mining taking place without proper measures to avert such heinous activities in the forest.
President of the group, Mr. Oteng Adjei, averred that the negligence on the part of the Forestry Commission, if not checked, will lead to the destruction of Atewa Forest even before the legal battle in the court to stop the mining of bauxite would be concluded. He indicated that it is this negligence that has led to the numerous futile interventions put in place by the government to stop illegal mining and its debilitating effect on both the environment and economy.
“It is this same negligence that has brought about the wanton desecration of the Atewa Forest, an important water tower in Ghana as well as an internationally recognized biodiversity area of global significance. Our monitoring of the forest and the evidence we have gathered shows that, in the past 6 months and more, illegal activities in the forest is getting out of hand and there is no deliberate effort by the Forestry Commission to stop this.”
Mr. Oteng Adjei

Illegal mining and logging being carried out
Mr. Oteng Adjei alleged that, illegal mining and logging is being carried out in unprecedented levels with the “tacit connivance” and approval of some officers of the Forestry Commission and some unnamed faces within the jurisdiction. “Nana Sir Ofori Atta I is grimacing in his grave that the legacy he selflessly fought to preserve for posterity has been left to rot thus rendering useless his lofty ideals and ideas he bequeathed to posterity.”
According to Mr Oteng Adjei, not long ago two people died in their illegal quest for gold at the Asiakwa stretch of the reserve. He disclosed that even though the Police was involved as well as the traditional leaders who carried out the pacification and cleansing exercise, the outcome of the investigations into the persons involved in the illegal act was never known.
“The question that readily comes to mind therefore is whether or not the Forestry Commission executes its mandate of protecting and preserving the forest resource? And whether or not the commission is entitled to the remunerations at the end of every month besides other emoluments?”
Mr. Oteng Adjei

Mr. Oteng Adjei lamented that as a country, people mount podiums and acclaim commitment to sustainable use of the natural resources and protection of water bodies, but “right in our backyard, we are watching the most critical forest in Ghana, to be destroyed”.
The President of the advocacy group stated that it is good Ghana would be spending millions of public and donor money to plant over 20 million trees in July under the Green Ghana Agenda. He noted however that, it would be an exercise in futility if whiles planting, the same system is sitting aloof and watching without any long-term proactive plans to save existing forests like Atewa and many others across the country.
“The negligence and lackadaisical attitude to managing forests must stop now. The Forestry Commission should know that their so-called avowed vision and mission is at stake and risk jeopardizing the future for all of us.”
Mr. Oteng Adjei
Mr. Oteng Adjei entreated all environmental NGO’s and Associations both local and international and the general public to join hands and call for a halt of these nefarious activities in the Atewa Forest. He further asked for both civil and legal support to enable it compel the Forestry Commission to do their mandated work of protecting the forests as it is supposed to.
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